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Published Articles

Articles & Presentations

Do cattle on feed reports really affect the market?

April 22, 2019

Current option premiums are very low for both live and feeder cattle markets... continue reading 

Ignore the Hype

March 7, 2019

Use data and probabilities, not opinions and emotions… continue reading 

How to determine whether farmland is a good buy

February 2019

There are a number of financial analysis tools that can help you put a value on land... continue reading

Farm, Family & Finances

December 2018

Don't overlook the importance of non-farm assets while building wealth... continue reading​

Fall shows little market impact

November 2018

A tough fall usually has little effect on harvest or prices in the end... continue reading​

The poker face of commodities

October 2018

With canola trading now subject to U.S. rules, you’ve got a chance for a glimpse at the other players’ cards... continue reading​

The ABCs of cattle options and futures

September 2018

These tools can help you manage both your costs and your revenue... continue reading​

Risk and volatility not necessarily same

July 2018

Current canola and farmland prices are examples of markets at risk of a sudden change... continue reading​

Crop reports usually fall into the crystal ball category

June 2018

Traders tend to be skeptical of seeding intentions & productions estimates – and with good reason... continue reading

Does drought send crop prices soaring? It depends

July 2018

The impact differs for wheat and canola but the bottom line is don’t let weather dictate marketing decisions... continue reading

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